Thursday, January 20, 2011

A "New" Direction

If you follow this site with regularity, you've noticed that it no longer features advertisements. I made the decision to remove all ads for a  range of reasons. One of the biggest reasons is that the ads were not yielding much revenue... not even enough to pay for the annual cost of web address. I have nothing against ads, and I believe they are the key to generating revenue for a lot of different kinds of online media but this site doesn't have the traffic to generate any meaningful level of revenue. So, going forward, this site will try a few new things to try to cover the cost of time and effort that goes into it (mostly research). You'll soon see Amazon links on the side that feature relevant products... books, mostly. If you click on the links and purchase said items, this site will receive a modest commission for each item. There are other things in works, too, but it's a little early to talk about them.

Overall, I am excited about this site... even well over 5 years after I started it. I hope you continue to enjoy seeing examples of public domain material.
